IU provides Box Entrusted Data Accounts for sharing and storage of institutional data that is subject to regulation or for which tighter controls may be required or desired. If you will be storing any health information (PHI), exit this form now and see https://kb.iu.edu/d/bfrt for instructions for requesting a Box Health Data Account.

The account may be requested by any current IU faculty or full-time staff member. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The Box @ IU team will create an account with a top-level folder based on the group's name. Notification will be sent when the account is ready to use. The requester will be responsible for the proper administration and use of the account.

All Box support issues should still be directed to UITS Support Center. Questions about the Box Entrusted Data Account creation process can be directed to boxinfo@iu.edu.

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